February on Puget Sound

February on Puget Sound
Sunrise Harper Dock

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mao's Revenge

I find few things more annoying than an alarm clock. Ours makes a sound that grates on the nerves like an electronic cat caught under a rocking chair. Some unknown sadist most likely in China designed this as revenge for our exporting McDonalds to them I'm pretty sure.

The other morning I'd gotten up to use the bathroom when I heard the alarm go off. Usually, Joyce switches it off a few seconds after it sounds. But on this morning it went on and on and on. Now I realize that every 5 seconds of that grating yeeeee yeeeee yeeeee feels like an eternity, but I swear this went on for a good five minutes. I thought that Joyce must have gotten up at some ungodly hour to vacuum or rearrange the cupboards or something and forgot to turn the alarm off, but when I came back into the bedroom she was still in bed. I went over to her side of the bed and turned the alarm off and then I nudged her.

"Hey,Joyce, the alarm has been going off."
"I turned it off!"
"No you didn't. I just turned it off."
"Well I was trying to!"
"No you weren't, you were asleep."
"I unplugged it and took the batteries out. I was just getting ready to take it apart!"
"You were getting ready to take it apart?"
"I was looking for an axe!"

My sentiments exactly!


  1. HA HA HA!! I can just imagine this scene in my mind.

    It reminds me of the movie "Groundhog Day" when he has to wake up to the song, "I've got you Babe" for all of eternity and he smashes it the second it goes off.

    They have really sophisticated alarms these days... They use light to wake you up gently. May be a bit pricey, but I bet it's a nice way to wake up.
